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Thursday, 7 August 2008


He who fails to plan, is planning to fail so goes the saying. There is a need for planning. It is very important , just as eating is neccessary for growth. Planning is usually done with the mind. Preparation of a sound plan will not automatically bring the suucess desired, however lack of it will definitely lead to failure. Note that failure is relative, what you call failure might not be failure to another

So what is the mind?. The mind is the part of us invisible but real. It is the seat/home of the intellect and consciousness. Thinking takes place in the mind. It is sometimes believed to be the same as the brain. A person without brain can not have a mind . Sciencetist have proofed that the human brain is limitless. The brain is more powerful than the fastest computer in the world. So invariably the mind is limitless.

The basic functions of the mind are as follows. The mind is used mainly for: learning; understantanding; reasoning; imagination; memorising; will; perception; emotion. This function sometimes lead one to anther for example, you can not have an understanding of what ou did not learn(know). Learning is gathering knowledge through reading, organised class, observation, experimentation. Understanding have to do with being able to put knowledge together, that is, you actually know what is being learned and can put it to practical use, the level of understanding differs even when two people learn the same thing. Reasoning is thinking about a situation or problem to get a soution the level of understanding one has about an issue will determine how he/she reasons. Imagination is putting images together, so people say it is dreaming about the future. Zig Ziglar said that the greatest nation in the world is not American but imagi-nation (imagination). You can build a great future for yourself via what you imagine. Once a man loses his mind he has lost one of the greatest resources in his world. What you think is who you are. Memorising is the ability of the mind to acquire, store and retrieve information. Will has to do with deciding and determination. Perception what you feel or think about something/someone. Emotion is basically feelings. Well let's revert back to our topic : Planning

It involves the process of thinking about a desired outcome and neccessary in-come(simply put,what do I have to do to get desired result). It talks about the input/output , cause and effect relationships. And one of the greatest law of the universe is the law of Cause and effect. Planning
has to do with forecasting and thinking. A plan ought to be a realistic view of the future expectation. It could be long, short or medium term plans. Plan is an important aspect of business and the human life is itself a serious business, it is also required in every aspect of life.
How should a plan look like:
  • It should have a clearly defined goal/target(which is set by a person in authority,specific,realistic, easily measureable and acceptable)
  • Identify all the main issues needed to be addressed
  • review past performances or achievement
  • what is the financial demand/ requirement for the goal
  • what is requires and how do I met them
  • Focus/zoom into matters of strategic importance
  • Identify shortcomings and lapses
  • what is the duration of the plan and the structure to be put in place
  • what is the strategy for implementation of plan
  • review the plan frequently
  • Believe in the plan

Remember the iron clad law of cause and effect . The mind is the greatest tool for planing. Believe in yourself

I believe in YOU

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